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Policy & Procedures


 • Enthusiasm

 • Creativity

• Physically capable of performing required stunts and activities

• Ability to positively interact well with children

• Responsibility

• Spontaneity

• Self-discipline

• To be a member of the Duck Mascot Program, a student must meet the following qualifications.  If, at any time, a team member does not meet these requirements, he/she may be terminated.  If a team member is removed from the Mascot Program for disciplinary reasons or voluntarily resigns, the student will be removed from the university payroll, and he/she will be ineligible to re-join the program.  

  1. Must be enrolled as a full-time student (at least 12 undergraduate credits per semester) throughout his affiliation with the Mascot Program.

  2. Must Maintain above a 2.0 GPA


Program Structure

  1. The mascot coordinator(s) are the senior most ducks. They are in charge of the program where they directly report to the head coach of the cheer team. At no point in time may mascot program team members go outside of the hierarchy unless otherwise given permission from head coach or coordinators. The consequences for actions will be 1st time will be given a warning 2nd time will result in loss of suit privileges 3rd will be expulsion from the team. 



1. University Functions

a. Members of the mascot team will be present for all home football games.

b. One mascot will travel to all away football games, excluding postseason championships where 2 will be taken.

 c. One mascot will be present for all men’s and women’s home basketball games.

d. One mascot will travel to post-season tournaments for both men’s and women’s basketball.

e. One mascot will be present at a designated number of other sport games as deemed appropriate by the University’s athletic director.  Sports to include: volleyball, soccer, Lacrosse, baseball, softball, basketball, football, Acrobatics and Tumbling and Track.

f. Special events – Special appearances may be made by a Mascot at Alumni Day, Homecoming, Family Weekend, Open House, Community on the Quad and other university-sponsored events as deemed appropriate by the Vice President of Student Affairs and/or the Director of University Relations. 

**NOTE: Because of the last minute nature of playoffs and post-season championship games, team members may not make unchangeable plans during winter or spring breaks unless he/she finds a substitute for all games, appearances and other commitments.      


2. Community and Campus Events

a. Mascot appearances may be requested by third parties and all scheduling of these appearances must be approved by the Head Cheer Coach as well as Mascot Coordinators. Team members may NOT volunteer for events without prior written approval.  Third parties will be charged 300.00 an hour. $200 for Schools / Non-Profit Groups / University Groups (per hour) In addition to all transportation costs of $0.50 per mile round trip will be associated with any appearance outside of the Eugene/Springfield area.  The fee for these appearances is subject to change at the discretion of the University.  Funds derived from third party payments to the Mascot Program will be directed to an account for the Mascot Program and will be used as operating expenses.

b. Mascot appearances at charitable functions (non-profit agencies included) will be free of charge and scheduled to enhance the image of the University, but in strict moderation to avoid overwork which is left to the discretion of the Head Cheer Coach of which events will be comped.  

c. Inappropriate photos of the Mascot (i.e. partially out of uniform, conducting lewd or inappropriate behavior, holding alcoholic or illegal substances) shall not appear on social networking sites (i.e., Facebook, MySpace, etc.).  If rules are not followed the consequences will be result in loss of suit along will any privileges associated with the team and or Expulsion from the team.

3. Other Commitments

a. Weekly Meetings – All team members will attend meetings with the Mascot Program Coordinator to build morale, discuss concerns, schedule events and address issues that may arise.

b. Team members are required to attend a formal training session during the summer. 

c. Practices – There may be occasions when team members are asked to attend practices of the cheerleading, dance squad or marching band. Participation in all practice sessions, team meetings, team projects, pep rallies, games, and all other activities as designated by the Mascot Program Coordinator are required.


Safety Guidelines 

• Be aware of the limitations of the costume

• A structured stretching exercise and flexibility routine will precede and follow all activities, practices, pep rallies, etc.

• Team members must set parameters in the performance area and stay away from dangerous unstable areas.  (Team members must be aware of the “traffic patterns” of the teams during pre and post-game and halftime.)

 • All team members must receive proper training before attempting any form of gymnastics (tumbling, partner stunts, and pyramids).

• All stunts performed with or without the cheerleaders should be practiced in the following order prior to performance: out of uniform, with cumbersome parts (feet, head, hands), and then in full suit.

• Team members must recognize their specific ability level and must limit their activities accordingly.  “Ability level” refers to the individual team member’s abilities and skills as a whole. Individuals should not be pressed to perform activities until safely perfected.

 • Team members must keep properly hydrated during and after the performance.

 • Team members must bring a warm, dry set of clothing to change into after each performance.


Uniform and Appearance 


• Because of the expense of the costumes, team members should treat the costumes with the utmost care at all times and properly clean the costumes.

• Specific rules of care will be provided to all mascots at the beginning of the season.

• Under absolutely no circumstance may the costumes (or pieces thereof) be used for personal or recreational use. Violation could result in dismissal from Oregons Mascot Program.

• If the costume is lost or damaged (beyond the normal wear-and-tear expected), the team member will be held responsible for the cost of the repairs and/or replacement.  The cost to replace a costume is estimated to be $11,000.00.  Necessary repairs to a costume need to be communicated to the Mascot Program Coordinator immediately in order that the repairs may be made in time for the next scheduled event.  It will be the responsibility of the mascot program coordinator to schedule the costume for repairs/cleaning.

• The Mascot Program will be responsible for any costs associated with the upkeep and care of the Mascot costumes or props.

• All expenses must first be approved by the Head Cheer Coach.

• Mascot performers are responsible for making sure a clean costume is always available for the next scheduled appearance.  Follow instructions provided by the Mascot Coordinators in the cleaning of the mascot uniform.

• Failure to maintain cleanliness of suit will result in loss of suit privileges




• Unexcused absences will result in a warning, and if continued, may lead to a dismissal from the team.

• If for any reason a team member is unable to attend a function to which they are committed, he/she is responsible for finding another team member to replace them; the trade must be approved by the Mascot Program Coordinator at least 24 hours prior to the event.

• Any illness or injury on site will be reported to the Mascot Program Coordinator immediately.  Any injury suffered during practices, games or official functions will be treated by the University athletic trainers and/or doctors.  Initial expenses for such treatment shall be paid by the team member’s personal insurance.  If an injury or illness precludes a team member’s continued performance over time, the team member shall be removed from the program.  




The team member must demonstrate sportsmanlike conduct at all athletic contests.  Do not encourage the crowd in dangerous or unsportsmanlike situations.  Moreover, the duck mascot should:

• The Mascot’s identity should be kept a secret at all times.

• Be a positive representative of school spirit

• Should not be distracting during the national anthem, when someone else has the floor at halftime (or timeouts during basketball), during serious injuries on the field/court, or at any other time that is deemed inappropriate

• Never degrade game officials, student-athletes or the opposing party’s mascot

 • Never dress/undress/remove head in public

• Never speak while in costume

• All NCAA regulations regarding mascots and game operations must be obeyed at all times and will be enforced by the Sports Information Director and Athletic Director or his/her designee.

• Excessive or risky stunts are prohibited

• Team members serve as public relations ambassadors of The University of Oregon and must act accordingly and in good taste. This is a high profile position within the university and actions/behaviors are under constant observation.  Any swearing, spitting, crude gesturing, fighting, or otherwise lewd and inappropriate behavior will NOT be tolerated and may be grounds for suspension or immediate dismissal from the Mascot Program, in or out of uniform. Team members must NEVER initiate any inappropriate behavior. Furthermore, team members are responsible for abiding by the rules and regulations found in the Student Athlete Handbook, including but not limited to:

  • Team members shall not possess or drink alcoholic beverages in a University vehicle.   o Team members will not consume alcoholic beverages 12 hours before or during a game, event or practice.

  • Team members shall not offer to procure alcoholic beverages for anyone under the age of 21.

  • Team members shall not attempt to coerce peers into drinking alcoholic beverages.

o Team members violating the rules shall be subject to disciplinary measures and dismissal from the Mascot program.

  • Inappropriate photos of the Mascot shall not be taken nor are they permitted to appear on any social networking sites (i.e. Facebook, MySpace, others). 



 • Medical Insurance and Expectations:

o Team members are responsible for having insurance (University coverage or other primary coverage) to practice or perform in the Mascot Program. Forms for the university’s coverage can be obtained from the Student Affairs Office in the Oregon hall. Proof of insurance must be on file with the athletic training staff before team members are permitted to practice or perform.

o All team members are mandated to complete and return the Report of Medical History Document to the health center (form in which needs to be completed by a practitioner prior to arriving on campus)

 o All team members are required to complete a physical before the beginning of the season.

 o All team members will perform a pre-screen with the athletic training staff and will receive a physical by UO’s orthopedic team physician.

o All team members must complete and sign all required forms including but not limited to: acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Liability.


• Vehicle Insurance and Expectations:

 o Team members have their own form of transportation and sign a Risk and Release of Liability. 


Tryout Process:


Being a Mascot is a major personal commitment of one’s non-academic time and must be treated as a top priority. Necessary arrangements with work, sororities, fraternities, etc., concerning required activities or expectations of one’s time must be made immediately following selection to the team. 

All portions of the Mascot Program tryouts are closed to the public.  Only applicants, current mascots, and selection committee members will be allowed on premises. 

Mascot positions are filled on an as-needed basis. Three to Five mascots are needed each academic semester.


1. Students interested in participating in UO’s Mascot Program must complete EVERY section on the online Mascot Application Form. If you are under 18 years of age, your Mascot Application Form must be accompanied by a note of approval from your parent or guardian indicating their approval to be part of the program. This information should be sent to:

 2. Applications will be kept on file until the next Mascot Try-Out Event is scheduled. Those selected to audition will be required to report for an interview and performance try-out.  

3. It is suggested that students wear a t-shirt (females may wear a sports bra), athletic shorts, and athletic shoes under the costume for the performance. If your hair is long, it must be put up and secured. Please, no exposed jewelry or body piercings will be allowed.

4. The tryout will include an interview with members of the selection committee. 

5. You do not need to bring anything with you except yourself, the previously mentioned attire, a change of clothing if you desire, a towel, and of course the enthusiasm to give it your all in your try-out as The Duck.

6. The try-out will conclude in a short meeting with the selection committee with each performer.

7. After seeing all the performances, all candidates will be contacted within 3 days to be informed if they were successful in being chosen to be moved onto the next round.

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